Rescue 911 - Season 3
Series Details
Title: Rescue 911
Overview: Rescue 911 is an informational reality-based television series that premiered on April 18, 1989 and ended on August 27, 1996. The series was hosted by William Shatner and featured reenactments of emergency situations that often involved calls to 9-1-1. Though never intended as a teaching tool, various viewers used the knowledge they obtained watching the show. Two specials, titled "100 Lives Saved" and "200 Lives Saved," were dedicated to these viewers who had written to CBS with their stories on how the knowledge they obtained watching the show allowed them to save the life of someone else. At least 350 lives have been saved as a result of what viewers learned from watching it. The show's popularity coincided with the widespread adoption of the 911 emergency system, replacing standalone police and fire numbers that would vary from municipality to municipality. The number is now universally understood in the United States and Canada to be the number dialed for emergency assistance nationwide. At its height, the show was adapted in 45 countries.
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Average Vote: 7.6 (19 votes)
Toddlers trapped in sinking car (November 30, 1990. Conroe, Texas); Man lies unconcious on subway tracks (September 7, 1987. New York, New York)
Boy trapped in runaway hot-air balloon (January 7, 1990. Colorado Springs, Colorado); Man trapped in house fire (July 15, 1990. Spencerport, New York); Man has heart attack at Civil War reenactment (May 26, 1990. Felton, California)
Man collapses on ski lift (January 12, 1990. Copper Mountain, Colorado); Girl saves siblings from house fire (December 1990. Blowing Rock, North Carolina); Woman with placenta previa has labor complications at home (December 1990. Austin, Texas)
Van rear-ends log truck (October 23, 1990. Russellville, Arkansas); Boy accidentally hangs himself (February 24, 1991. Ruston, Louisiana)
Boy falls through ice on frozen lake (December 20, 1990. Englewood, Colorado); Robbers stab video-store owner (July 11, 1988. Bedford, Indiana); Neo-natal documentary (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Two teenagers injured when shotgun backfires (September 23, 1989. Newberg, Oregon); Police attempt to locate suspects who robbed a house (March 28, 1991. Indianapolis, Indiana); Bay Flight helicopter picks up a teenager injured in a car accident and an elderly woman hit by a car (Saint Petersburg, Florida)
Skydiver's parachute lines become entangled (November 12, 1989. Frankfort, Indiana); Woman injured while attempting to stop runaway car (May 15, 1990. Tecumseh, Oklahoma); Boy attacked by alligator (August 2, 1991. Refugio, Texas)
Wing walker dangles beneath plane (June 15, 1991. Portland, Oregon); Russian boy's clothes catch fire (September 17, 1990. Magadan, Siberia/Galveston, Texas); Burglar trapped in restaurant calls 911 (July 11, 1991. Los Angeles, California)
Firefighters attempt to rescue two men trapped on the twelfth floor of a burning building (May 14, 1991. New York, New York); Police search for shot cab driver (Saturday. Oakland, California); Man must deliver wife's baby in the back seat of their car (May 3, 1990. Lake Charles, Louisiana)
Man trapped on sinking sailboat (December 2, 1990. Sanford, Florida); Man holds his brothers hostage (November 10, 1989. Newington, Connecticut); Boy gets tongue stuck in freezer (August 9, 1990. Altoona, Pennsylvania); Elderly runner collapses (Shippensburg, Pennsylvania)
Avalanche buries plow operator (January 11, 1988. Jackson, Wyoming); Civilians aid unconscious man trapped in burning pickup truck (August 26, 1989. Fort Collins, Colorado); Toddler found frozen in snow (December 23, 1990. Elkins, West Virginia)
Paramedics attempt to stop a runaway car with an unconscious driver (April 11, 1990. Pekin, Illinois); Deputy wounded in shootout (May 7, 1989. Tonopah, Nevada); Girl calls 911 when her mother has chest pains (May 26, 1991. Dearborn Heights, Michigan) ; New Years Eve documentary-Shooting victim, man falls from Christmas tree (San Francisco, California)
Raft capsizes in frigid waters (July 3, 1990. Valdez, Alaska); Boy's clothes catch fire when he pours gasoline on fire (February 12, 1990. Aurora, Illinois); Pickup truck crashes in isolated area of the Everglades (November 21, 1990. North Lauderdale, Florida)
Ice diver's air tanks fail (March 1988. Logan, Utah); Toddler bitten by cottonmouth (July 4, 1991. Saint Tammany Parish, Louisiana); Hospital documentary-deaf stabbing victim (February 24, 1991. Newark, New Jersey); Runaway four-year-old calls 911 (December 4, 1990, Santa Barbara, California)
Teenager's airway closes when she has an allergic reaction (November 27, 1989. Cape Elizabeth, Maine); Fast food restaurant robbery (April 18, 1991. Bakersfield, California); Teenager dives into shallow pool and becomes paralyzed (May 1991. Greenville, South Carolina); Girl calls 911 when her diabetic father passes out (May 29, 1991. Douglasville, Georgia)
Girl on go-kart stuck by truck (March 4, 1988. Lilburn, Georgia); Deputy and dog wounded in shootout (September 19, 1988. Indianapolis, Indiana); Firemen trapped under fallen facade (October 10, 1990. Santa Ana, California); Boy stops truck when his mother passes out at the wheel (July 9, 1991. Evansville, Indiana)
New Segments: A cop is shot by a burglar and his wife is a paramedic at the scene (August 23, 1989. South Orange, New Jersey); Boy accidentally inhales freon (March 10, 1990. Kernersville, North Carolina) Repeated Segments: Couple discovers python living under their house (August 1989. Fort Lauderdale, Florida); Good samaritan pulls paramedics from burning ambulance (October 1, 1989. Macon, Georgia)
Girl falls from 100-foot cliff into canyon (February 14, 1991. Mount Shasta, California); A rapist stabs a woman 21 times (September 21, 1989. Grand Island, Nebraska); Five-year-old boy receives heart transplant (January 1988. Loma Linda, California)
A woman calls 911 on her car phone when a police impostor tries to pull her over (September 3, 1991. Chapel Hill, North Carolina); Jockey injured at horse race (May 30, 1988. Belmont Park, New York); Crash victim impaled by fence post (January 3, 1991. Maple Valley, Washington); Girl stuck in tree (October 31, 1991. Atlanta, Georgia)
Bystanders try to rescue girl trapped in burning truck (February 2, 1991. Paso Robles, California); Couple leads police to bank robbers, then a shootout ensues (December 4, 1989. Knoxville, Tennessee); Girl is severely cut after running into glass storm door (August 13, 1991. Renton, Washington)
Woman aids car crash victim, unaware that the victim is her son (June 24, 1987. Knoxville, Tennessee); Baby drowns in swimming pool (October 3, 1991. Merlin, Oregon); Documentary of Arizona's Victim-Witness program-a restaurant manager is shot in the face (Tucson, Arizona); Boy stops school bus after the driver collapses (December 18, 1991. Dunnellon, Florida)
Pipe bomb is discovered under a vehicle behind college dorm (May 18, 1991. Lawrence, Kansas)
Baby attacked by fire ants (April 7, 1991. Macon, Georgia); Woman trapped in burning apartment (January 8, 1991. South River, New Jersey)
Girl trapped under flaming tanker truck (August 9, 1990. Auckland, New Zealand); Paraglider's parachute catches on crane (Chamonix, France); Man in truck struck by train (Memorial Day Weekend 1991. Onalaska, Wisconsin); Father and son on snowmobile fall through ice (February 1, 1990. Huntsville, Ontario)
Climbers tumble down glacier (May 13, 1989. Central Oregon); Dispatcher tries to convince a suicidal woman not to shoot herself (November 15, 1990. Kalama, Washington); Dog trapped in house fire (December 29, 1991. Vandalia, Illinois); Boy aids choking cousin (February 8, 1991. Downey, California)
Skydiver's parachute lines become entangled (November 12, 1989. Frankfort, Indiana); Convenience store robbery (December 2, 1989. San Angelo, Texas); Woman injured while attempting to stop runaway car with children inside (May 15, 1990. Tecumseh, Oklahoma); Boy attacked by alligator (August 2, 1991. Refugio, Texas)
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