Transformers: Animated - Season 1
Series Details
Title: Transformers: Animated
Overview: The evil Decepticons have appeared in Detroit. With the all powerful Allspark, Megatron can use it to turn all of Earth's robots into Decepticons. However, Optimus Prime and his Autobots arrive and plan to stop Megatron and his evil plan in Transformers Animated.
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The Autobots find the Allspark and the Decepticons try to seize it.
The battle continues; Sari Sumdac discovers the Autobots and the Allspark.
Starscream captures Bumblebee and a number of civilians in an attempt to obtain the Allspark.
The Autobots find that their new base on Earth is already inhabited.
A bioengineering genius experiments with some of Bumblebee's hydraulic fluid.
Megatron reprograms Professor Sumdac's animatronic dinosaurs, turning them into Dinobots.
Ratchet's old enemy, the bounty hunter Lockdown, resurfaces.
Bumblebee springs into action when Megatron unleashes a speed demon and sends it on a crime spree.
Blackarachnia confronts Bumblebee and Bulkhead as they are celebrating their first Halloween.
Bulkhead is suspicious of the musical robot player Sari receives as a birthday gift.
Blitzwing and Lugnut come to Earth to help Megatron get the Allspark.
When Sari mysteriously disappears, Prowl and Bulkhead go searching for her on Dinobot Island.
A disgruntled former employee tries to use an Autobot to destroy the city in a bid for revenge.
Prowl, Bumblebee, and Sari investigate a Cybertronian energy signal detected by Optimus Prime.
Starscream, Lugnut and Blitzwing invade Earth; Optimus Prime makes Sari turn over her Allspark key.
The Autobots must rally to prevent the AllSpark from falling into the clutches of the Decepticons.
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