The Adventures of Paddington Bear - Season 2
Series Details
Title: The Adventures of Paddington Bear
Overview: The Adventures of Paddington Bear was a Canadian/French animated children's television series. It was based on the book Paddington Bear by Michael Bond and written by Bruce Robb. It was produced by Cinar and Protecrea and ran for 117 episodes. The show aired in the United States on the Cookie Jar Toons block on This TV from November 2008 - August 2009. However, all CINAR references in these broadcasts have been replaced by Cookie Jar references. It was also shown on HBO.
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Paddington develops an interest in magic and attempts to put on a magic show.
Paddington recalls a polo game he competed in to Jonathan and Judy.
Paddington is required to attend school.
Mr. Curry accidentally mess up Henry's painting for an art contest
Paddington joins french a band.
Paddington ends up losing his hat while on a pic-a-nic.
Paddington is asked to be ring-bearer at a wedding.
Paddington and Mr. Gruber help out with Maria and her family.
The Brown's are invited to a ceremony by Sir Huntley Martin.
Paddington goes to a school play.
Mr. Gruber has invited Paddington on a trip, but paddington loses his passport at the airport.
Paddington gets special treatment at a fancy restaurant.
Paddington Bear goes to the Dentist
Paddington stumbles upon a new type of fossil.
Paddington goes water skiing.
Mr. Curry gets Paddington to do some gardening in the hopes of winning first prize in the best-garden contest.
Paddington gets picked to replace an astronaught at NASA.
Mr. Curry asks Paddington too shovel snow out of his walkway.
Mr. Curry starts asks Paddington to help with the garden.
Paddington is visiting Galapagos islands, but a pair of documentery maker mistake him for a new species of animal and won't leave him alone.
Paddington helps Mr. Gruber rebuild a vintage car.
The Brown Family go to watch a pantomime.
Paddington participates in a race for Lars Larson.
Paddington has to go sew Mr. Curry's clothes with an old sewing machine, but messes them up. The Sew Right company solves Paddington's problem.
Paddington messes about with Mr Curry's plumbing.
Paddington and Mr. Gruber travel into the mountains of Tibet.
Paddington participates in a game-show.
Paddington sweeps a chimney.
Paddington was accidentally chosen to represent Britain in the Olympics.
Paddington does more harm than good when attempting DIY.
Mr. Curry sets up a raggedy hammock, but doesn't want anyone else to know about it.
Mr. Gruber takes Paddington to a jousting-tournament.
After seeing some construction-workers decorate a house Paddington tries to imitate it
Paddington plays rugby.
Paddington visits a luxurious spa on the shores of the Dead Sea
Paddington and his Aunt go ahopping for a thank you gift.
Paddington goes tp the hospital after he gets his limbs and chest glued together.
Paddington and Mr. Gruber enroll in a military-school, and are rewarded for catching a pair of burglars.
Paddington becomes the latest victim of a conman.
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