Jiva! - Season 1
Series Details
Title: Jiva!
Overview: JIVA! is a fun and energy-packed drama series that follows the life of the talented street dancer Ntombi, who while juggling the demands of a dead end job, family responsibility and a rocky love life realises that her dance moves could be her ticket out of her working class neighbourhood in Durban. But first, she must overcome her fears, beat her rivals and sort out the chaos that is her family.
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In Umlazi, Ntombi is torn between family duties and her dream of winning the Jiva Loxion dance competition. Will past tragedy stand in her way?
After bringing two frenemies on board, Ntombi struggles to complete her dance crew. Political scandal threatens to upend Vuyiswa's cushy lifestyle.
Vuyiswa's flakiness starts to get on Ntombi's nerves. Later at the club, the Trollies must impress the judges during a flash round — or be eliminated.
Ntombi wrestles with guilt over her mom's accident. Short of options, Vuvu calls on an old friend. Nathi tries to smooth things over with Ntombi.
Ntombi connects with Bheki, while Menzi surprises Vuvu. With the best pantsulas and bhengas on display at the finals, can the Trollies hold their own?
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