Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids - Season 4
Series Details
Title: Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids
Overview: Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids is an animated series created, produced, and hosted by comedian Bill Cosby, who also lent his voice to a number of characters, including Fat Albert himself. Filmation was the production company for the series. The show premiered in 1972 and ran until 1985. The show, based on Cosby's remembrances of his childhood gang, centered on Albert, and his friends. The show always had an educational lesson emphasized by Cosby's live-action segments, and in early episodes the gang would usually gather in their North Philadelphia junkyard to play a rock song on their cobbled-together instruments at the end of the show.
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Average Vote: 6.5 (26 votes)
Suede Simpson looks good but smells bad. Fat Albert and Russell have to tell Suede Simpson that it's important to keep yourself clean.
Rudy likes Shanna but can't get her attention. The gang thinks Shanna's stuck up until Fat Albert figures out Shanna has a hearing problem, eventually convincing her to see a doctor for an examination. She eventually gets a hearing aid and Albert helps the gang to understand her situation.
Rudy can't stand school and his teacher so he drops out.Then Mudfoot talks to him about how Important it is to be in school and thanks him.
Suede Simpson looks good but smells bad. Fat Albert and Russell have to tell Suede Simpson that it's important to keep yourself clean.
The Gang goes into business so they can win a bike but then get tricked.
Monroe spends all his time watching Tv that he lets it ruin his life.
Undines Uncle passes away and has a hard time accepting death.
Slim and Fat Albert eat too much junk food. Fat Albert decides to start eating healthy, but Slim continues to eat junk food and it slows him down.
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