Ultraman Decker - Specials
Series Details
Title: Ultraman Decker
Overview: Seven years have passed since Ultraman Trigger protected the world from various threats. In the present, Kanata Asumi, who is a positive young man, peacefully lives together with his grandpa. One day, while delivering ordered food, he witnessed a catastrophe: Spheres from the outer space attack Earth and Mars. Motivated by saving the precious lives of the people, he merges with Ultraman Decker and joins GUTS-Select, in order to protect what's important.
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IMDB: View on IMDB
TMDB: View on TMDB
Average Vote: 7.5 (11 votes)
Ultraman Decker is almost here!! Introducing the passionate young man Kanata Asumi, who takes a stand when the world is put in danger by mysterious invaders, and the members of the defense force GUTS-Select that stand with him to fight against monsters! We'll also take a look at the new light — Ultraman Decker! Let's all get up to speed before the show gets started!!
Special Affairs Section 3 of the TPU Engineering Department, which is in charge of equipment development for GUTS-SELECT and maintenance of GUTS Hawk and Nursedessei. Hotta, the chief of Special Affairs Division 3, returns to his former colleague Metron Alien Marluru! The two rejoice in their reunion and talk about their memories. And Hotta proudly talks about his new invention...
Agams' rebellion using the Terraphaser was a huge shock to the TPU Technology Division's Special Section 3. Hotta deeply respected Professor Asakage. He feels terribly depressed after the TPU Internal Affairs investigate him, too. Marluru looks over the Terraphaser's blueprints, but what secrets are hidden in plan DG001?
Sphere is resurrected and the countdown to Earth's apocalypse starts. Head of Special Section 3 Masamichi Hotta starts to panic before the final attack from Sphere starts! However, his colleague Alien Metron Marluru is not breaking a single sweat. Marluru, who believes in Ultraman, ponders the crisis on Earth that Marluru experienced 10 years ago.
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