The Mighty B! - Season 1
Series Details
Title: The Mighty B!
Overview: The Mighty B! is an American animated television series co-created by Amy Poehler, Cynthia True and Erik Wiese for Nickelodeon. The series centers on Bessie Higgenbottom, an ambitious Honeybee girl scout who believes she will become The Mighty B if she collects every Honeybee badge. Bessie lives in San Francisco with her single mother Hilary, brother Ben and dog Happy. Poehler provides the voice of Bessie, who is loosely based on a character Poehler played on the improvisational comedy troupes Second City and Upright Citizens Brigade.
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Bessie finds a stray dog to enter into a Dog Show.
Bessie tries to get onto a roller coaster.
Bessie and Penny babysit Gwen's little brothers.
The Honeybees go camping.
Bessie builds a Robot for the Science Fair.
Bessie tries to join a band.
Bessie and Ben go looking for Happy's Mom.
The Honeybees go on a field trip to the Science Exploratorium.
Bessie and Penny start crashing many Bat Mitzvahs.
Bessie searches for the Mighty B's weakness.
Bessie is convinced she can see the future.
Bessie tries to figure out Portia's secret.
After Finger is injured in an origami incident, his evil cousin Finguere shows up.
Bessie's Mom become the troop leader.
Mrs. Gibbons takes on Bessie as her apprentice.
Happy leaves Bessie for Portia.
Bessie's pen pal comes to visit.
Penny takes home an animatronic kangaroo.
Bessie plays detective to find Portia's locket.
Bessie gets ostracized from the Honeybees.
When Happy has almost no energy during the day, Bessie goes to find out why.
Bessie wants to use Happy in her magic act, but he sneaks away without her knowing.
Bessie tries to get Chicken Pox from Gwen.
After losing a bet, Bessie gives her Hive to Portia and Gwen.
Bessie finds something wrong with the taffy.
Bessie has a secret middle name.
Bessie and Happy go to the Doctor.
Bessie wins the chance to have tea with Miriam Breedlove.
The Honeybees go on a trip to Colonial Farms and learn about pilgrim life.
Penny finds her hidden talent of playing ping pong.
Ben and Happy switch bodies.
Happy trades Bessie's glasses for a bone.
The Honeybees get addicted to a video game.
Bessie tries to learn about Ben's food trauma.
Local photographer Fritz refuses to take a picture of Happy.
Bessie has a difficult time looking for a hidden image in a frame.
Bessie finds a new hobby in macramé.
Bessie accidentally gets the ice cream man in trouble.
The Honeybees start a competition with the Dragonflies.
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