Live from New York, it's Saturday Night! - Saturday Night Live - Season 14
Series Details
Title: Saturday Night Live
Overview: A late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory and newer cast members. Each episode is hosted by a celebrity guest, who usually delivers an opening monologue and performs in sketches with the cast, and features performances by a musical guest.
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Average Vote: 6.9 (427 votes)
Sketches include ""Pumping Up With Hans and Franz,"" ""ABC Presents Debate '88,"" ""Mr. Short Term Memory,"" ""Jew, Not a Jew,"" and ""The Pat Stevens Show."" ""First Citiwide Change Bank: Our business is making change"", ""Tom Hanks Bullying Kids: Never-Before-Seen Outtakes from the movie BIG"", ""Class of 1978 Ten Year Reunion: Two Sad Losers Want To Score With The Ladies"".
Sketches include ""Nicknames,"" ""The Republican Party,"" ""The Liberal,"" ""Dukakis After Dark,"" and ""Church Chat."" The New Bohemians perform ""Little Miss S.""
Sketches include ""Bush's Final Negative Campaign Ad"", ""Beauty and the Beast: The Double Date"", ""In a Camping Site at Night with Hans and Franz"", ""One Man's Demons"", and ""Neuburg's Bleu Cheese Cooler"".
Sketches include ""Ted Bundy Lives,"" ""Come Back to Carbon Paper,"" ""War of Da Woilds,"" ""Frankie's Proposal,"" and ""What Are You Looking At?""
Sketches include ""Cheers,"" ""Iranian People's Court,"" ""Plug Away,"" ""Kevin's First Love,"" and ""The Long Goodbye.""
Sketches include ""The Pat Stevens Show,"" ""The 60's Movie,"" ""Subliminal Man and Friend,"" and ""Wayne's World.""
Sketches include ""Barnes & Noble Under Siege,"" ""Therapy Session,"" ""Pumping Up With Hans & Franz,"" ""The 49th Westminster Mad Dog Show,"" and ""Master Thespian."" The Gipsy Kings perform ""Bamboleo.""
Sketches include "Raymond the Bookie", "Tales of Ribaldry", "Mel Gibson, Dream Gynecologist", "Cooking with the Anal Retentive Chef", "Josh Acid" and "Tonto, Tarzan, & Frankenstein".
Sketches include ""Rock Cleaners,"" ""Celebrity Restaurant,"" ""Planet of the Enormous Hooters,"" ""Sprockets,"" ""The Stories of Dolly Parton's Mom,"" ""Broadway Story,"" and ""Lothar of the Hill People.""
Sketches include ""George Bush,"" ""Bob Waltman Special,"" ""The Snow White Story,"" ""Attitudes,"" ""The Palmer Bunch,"" ""Suspended Animation,"" ""Game Show Models,"" and ""The Apocalypse"".
Sketches include ""Carter in Panama,"" ""Fishing With the Anal-Retentive Sportsman,"" ""Wayne's World,"" ""This Week with David Brinkley,"" ""Stanley Cup Loss,"" ""Point Blank,"" and ""Waikiki Hockey"".
Sketches include ""George Bush,"" ""Pumping Up With Hans and Franz,"" ""Tammy Wynette Sings the Classics,"" ""Toonces, The Cat Who Could Drive a Car,"" ""An Ode to the Woman I Love,"" ""Sprockets,"" ""Get to Know Jon Lovitz,"" ""Tonto, Tarzan, and Frankenstein,"" ""Big Red"".
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