The Littles - Season 3
Series Details
Title: The Littles
Overview: The Littles is an animated television series based on The Littles characters in a series of children's novels by American author John Peterson, the first of which was published in 1967. This cartoon was produced by a French/American/Canadian animation studio, DIC Entertainment, and as standard practice for TV cartoons of the period, the animation production was outsourced overseas to the Japanese studio TMS Entertainment. It was post-produced by a Canadian Animation studio, Animation City Editorial Services.
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Henry and the Littles travel to the Amazon jungle with Professor Mendoza in search of his daughter Alandra who has been lost since birth.
The Littles go to the country to visit their cousins.
The Biggs are in Ireland and Dinky is caught by a Mr. Finnigan, who thinks hes a leprechaun. He takes dinky in a cage to the fair and the littles go after to set him free before its to late.
Henry and the rest are in Egypt and Henry and the littles get kidnaped and taking to a pyramid where Henry is thought to be the reincarnation of King Tut. The Littles find out they are planning to keep henry in the pyramid for ever so they go warn him.
The Biggs visit rome and the littles find ancient roman littles still under a mean dictators ruling. Dinky is mistakened for a great little gladiator and must fight a sea monster and more to get home.
the littles are accidently sent into orbit on the space shuttle and dinky must put back a computer chip he took before the ship burns up in the atmosphere
The Bigg Family is in India and Henry meets a princess who discovers the littles when she gets her camera case mixed up withHenrys, And Henry is told by the littles that there is a gas bomb in the Princesses camera case and Henry goes to get it before it goes off and they steal some jewels
Henry gets to go to hollywood to see his favorite movie star who he later finds out is a heavy drinker who doesnt even do his own stunts. Dinky thinks its cool to drink and drinks some beer and drives a little toy car around getting hurt. This is the series finale.
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