Mobile Suit Gundam SEED - Specials
Series Details
Title: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Overview: Cosmic Era 71. Mankind has developed into two subspecies: Naturals, who reside on Earth, and Coordinators, genetically enhanced humans capable of withstanding the rigors of space who inhabit orbital colonies known as PLANTs. The story revolves around a young Coordinator named Kira Yamato, who becomes involved in the war between the two races after a neutral space colony secretly developing mobile suits for the Earth Alliance is attacked by the PLANTs' military force, ZAFT.
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TMDB: View on TMDB
Average Vote: 7.6 (46 votes)
A short special, set between the end of Gundam SEED and the beginning of Gundam SEED Destiny, showing what happened to the characters.
An animated short featuring the characters and mecha of the Astray R manga/novel series, as well as mobile suits from the Gundam SEED MSV (Mobile Suit Variations) model kit series.
An animated short featuring the characters and mecha of the Astray B manga/novel series, as well as mobile suits from the Gundam SEED MSV (Mobile Suit Variations) model kit series.
A special recap, that analyzes the events of the series following operation "Break the World" and military strengths of ZAFT, Orb & the Atlantic Federation. This episode does not appear on the DVD release.
The Archangel and its allies are now humanity's last hope to prevent Durandal from carrying out his Destiny Plan. Once again, a fierce battle begins around the Requiem cannon and its relay stations, and our lead pilots meet in a final confrontation over the lunar surface. Shinn against Athrun, Kira against Rey, Archangel against Minerva... In the end, there can be only one victor. Extended cut of SEED Destiny's series finale released as an OVA.
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