Jefferson Anderson - Season 3
Series Details
Title: Jefferson Anderson
Overview: Jefferson Anderson is a Finnish animated sitcom. The computer-animated series portrays a satirical view of daily events in Helsinki at a police precinct in the suburb of Pasila. The series is made by members of the same team that made the award-winning series The Autocrats, a political animated satire. In 2007, the Finnish Broadcasting Company sent Pasila to compete for the Rose d'Or.
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Pöysti and Neponen are trying to locate the hidden loot from an old bank robbery. The freshly out of prison culprit seems to be a hard nut to crack. Meanwhile Repomies is battling with his own self image.
Pöysti is starting to feel old and thinks he has not accomplished anything in life. The manuscript of the famous writer Vilske is stolen and this gives Pöysti something to think about.
Pöysti is assigned to give drug education in local school. He messes it up and is fired from the police, ending up to work in advertising agency Buddha.
Pöysti and Neponen trace an arsonist. Repomies has a crush for a researcher, tells his wife and is kicked from the house.
Andy Suonsilmä, Uncrowned king of Finnish adult rock, releases his newest album that has unexpected effect on career criminal Raine Makkula.
Charismatic Pauli Mutikkala has invented a new way to predict stock markets. Pöysti suspects Mutikkala's organization is a pyramid scheme, but his clients faith is strong.
Pöysti solves a robbery and becomes famous. After a while he wants to get back to his old life.
Pöysti doesn't agree to mop the station even when Repomies orders him to. This becomes a power struggle that interferes with the entire work community.
Maniac street preacher Aisakkala's cult resigns from Pasila's catholic church and fires the cult's cleaner. Pöysti falls in love with horoscope-person.
Repomies thinks he's getting medal for his service, which in reality is Pöysti's prank. The sick relationship between Interior Minister Möttönen and pistachios is revealed.
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