Series Details
Title: KOllOK
Overview: KOLLOK takes place in a modern dystopian timeline 30 years after the last generation was born, and follows the world’s youngest adventurers traversing through a wasteland ruled by a totalitarian elite group, on a quest to find the answers to fix their future and the future of mankind. Their only hope comes from the very people, hailed as heroes by some, villains by others, who caused the global crisis 30 years ago…
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Average Vote: 10 (1 votes)
Old friends and new friends alike 'Begin Again' in a world tarnished by the apocalypse.
The Ascended continue their rescue attempt of Clarity, while the Legacy group reveals some shocking memories.
The Ascended return home to a shock. Meanwhile, Tibby has some shocks of his own.
The Ascended fight an unknown adversary, as the mystery about the Legacy group unravels.
The Ascended reunites with an old "friend".
The Ascended battle against despair while looking for AJ. Is the person they run into an ally?
Ro has a conversation with Isaac when it gets interrupted abruptly.
The Ascended receive gifts from a strange man, then proceed to the Chasm.
Mammon has offers for the Ascended. Who will sign on the dotted line?
The Ascended befriends a database engineer while trying to escape Mammon.
Siblings reunite! AJ deals with Hope and Despair.
AJ and Fidel go on a road trip to find Life. While the Legacy group learns to work together. Together.
A rift forms between the Ascended, while bonds are reformed with Legacy.
Legacy works through their issues during Driver therapy.
A three-part episode dealing with Life, Death and Legacy.
Ascended Life reunites with AJ. Ascended Death reunites with Awut. Legacy reunites with the past.
Syd gets a promotion. The Reed siblings hash things out. And Laura struggles with her memories.
The Council of the Gods meets to discuss the fate of Phobos, Hera, and a number of other action items.
The Ascended reunites in Kollok, on their way to Synchroneity.
This truly is the end.
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