Neighbours - Season 14
Series Details
Title: Neighbours
Overview: Neighbours is an Australian television soap opera. The show's storylines concern the domestic and professional lives of the people who live and work in Erinsborough, a fictional suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. The series primarily centres around the residents of Ramsay Street, a short cul-de-sac, and its neighbouring areas, the Lassiters complex, which includes a bar, hotel, cafe, news office and park. Neighbours began with three families created by Watson – the Ramsays, the Robinsons and the Clarkes. Watson said that he wanted to show three families who are friends living in a small street. The Robinsons and the Ramsays had a long history and were involved in an ongoing rivalry.
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Average Vote: 6.1 (52 votes)
Will Ben survive his horror car crash? Will a forbidden kiss between Karl and Sarah lead to more? Has Anne lost Billy for good? Find out in the Season Return!
Toadie starts a bidding war between Lou and Madge. Can Billy convince Anne that he still loves her? Susan leaves Karl for her new job.
Hannah considers boycotting Ruth and Phil's wedding. Meanwhile, Bill tells Susan he fears Karl may be having an affair with Sarah!
Ruth's biopsy results are through - the moment of truth arrives! Susan confronts Karl. Is their marriage over, just as another has begun?
Hannah, Anne and Lance get a taste of things to come as a new family. Meanwhile, Sarah wants Karl to commit - is it her time now?
Karl makes up his mind about Sarah and Anne gets more than she bargained for, interviewing a homeless person.
Anne decides to investigate her dead houseguest's past and why does Karl suddenly fire Harold?
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