Neighbours - Season 37
Series Details
Title: Neighbours
Overview: Neighbours is an Australian television soap opera. The show's storylines concern the domestic and professional lives of the people who live and work in Erinsborough, a fictional suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. The series primarily centres around the residents of Ramsay Street, a short cul-de-sac, and its neighbouring areas, the Lassiters complex, which includes a bar, hotel, cafe, news office and park. Neighbours began with three families created by Watson – the Ramsays, the Robinsons and the Clarkes. Watson said that he wanted to show three families who are friends living in a small street. The Robinsons and the Ramsays had a long history and were involved in an ongoing rivalry.
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Average Vote: 6.1 (52 votes)
Sheila is determined to keep Des in town, Clive and Jane struggle with keeping their distance from each other and Hendrix continues to dodge questions from Harlow about his work.
Hendrix is at a loss to explain his lies to Kane and tells only a fraction of the truth to Harlow, Tim has bad news for Nicolette about Ricardo's civil suit and Toadie is surprised by the outcome of a Tinder date.
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