The Little Mermaid - Season 1
Series Details
Title: The Little Mermaid
Overview: Disney's The Little Mermaid is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation based on the 1989 Disney film of the same name. It features the adventures of Ariel as a mermaid prior to the events of the film. This series is the first Disney television series to be spun off from a major animated film. Some of the voice actors of the film reprise their roles in the series, among them Jodi Benson as Ariel, Samuel E. Wright as Sebastian, Kenneth Mars as King Triton, and Pat Carroll as Ursula.
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Ariel finds an abanded baby whale, and decides to take care of it and be it's Mother. She names him Spot, but when Spot causes mass destruction around the kingdom Ariel decides to teach it how to survive in the wild.
Sebastian thinks that he's the best crab under the sea, but when King Triton wants him to deliver a document to Sharkania he shows his fear.
Ariel wants to ride a wild seahorse called Stormy but her father dosen't so she sneaks off and rides off with him in the wild.
A poor merboy named Urchin tries to make friends in Atlantica, but when he meets the wrong friends( The Lobster Mobster Squad) it takes a good friend like Ariel to set him right.
Ariel and her friends have to babysit some baby mertwins, but when they cause mischief they provide Ariel with some double trouble.
A lonely dragon writes a message in a bottle. Ariel finds it and visits him, he decides to come to Ariel's house but King Triton won't allow it until he saves them from some evil sea creatures.
Ariel finds a beautiful human bracelet, and when she wears it she can't take it off. Knowing that her father hates human things she decides not to go home until she finds the key to take it off.
King Triton thinks that Ariel and Prince Thor would make a perfect couple, but not Urchin so he plays tricks on Thor to make him change his mind about Ariel. The prince gets exasperated and tells his kingdom to have war with Atlantica. Urchin stops it, and Triton explains that he wanted Ariel and Prince Thor to be a couple in the olympic sea games.
The city of Atlantica is a wonderful place to live in, but when Ariel releases an evil manta from imprisonment he spreads the path of prejudice for the creatures of Atlantica. Everybody separates from each, but Ariel and Flounder stay together and work things out in Atlantica.
Prince Eric drops one of his boots down to the sea, and when Ariel finds it she thinks its a wonderful human thingamajigger, but Triton thinks its dangerous. Soon terrible things start to happen and every sea creature thinks that the thingamajigger is the cause, so every bad guy wants it to take over Triton's kingdom, but Ariel goes to the surface and finds out what they really do.
After Ariel's party King Triton feels that he's too old, so his glowing glowfish gets Triton a magical age stone that turns Triton into a little boy called Red. Later on Ariel and Sebastian find out and they trace the jewel to a magic sorcess who only old King Triton can beat.
Ariel and her big sister Arista get into a big arguement, so they can't go to the carnival. Everything gets all out of hand but when some gators try to rob the kingdom Ariel and Arista learn the true value of sisterhood and teamwork.
Ariel and her little sea friends get King Triton gifts for Father's day. She goes to a cave to get a glowing seashell and they get trapped in by an octupus so Urchin uses the triton to beat him but loses it in the process.
Ariel's friend Pearl comes to town, and takes Ariel to Eeel-Ectric city. Triton ofcourse dosen't want her to go. so Pearl lie's and says they're going to have a slumber party. They go to the place anyway but when a terrible storm comes Triton finds out the truth.
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