Ellen - Season 5
Series Details
Title: Ellen
Overview: Ellen is an American television sitcom that aired on the ABC network from March 29, 1994 to July 22, 1998, consisting of 109 episodes. The title role of Ellen Morgan, played by stand-up comedian Ellen DeGeneres, was a neurotic bookstore owner in her thirties. The series centered on Ellen's dealing with her quirky friends, her family and the problems of daily life. The series is notable for being the first one in which the main character came out as gay, which DeGeneres' character did in the 1997 episode "Puppy Episode". This event received a great deal of media exposure, ignited controversy, and prompted ABC to place a parental advisory at the beginning of each episode. The series' theme song, "So Called Friend" is by Scottish band Texas. A running gag was that each episode had a distinct opening credits sequence, resulting from Ellen's ongoing search for the perfect opening credits.
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While on a double date with Spence, Paige and a dumb lesbian, Ellen runs into former boyfriend Dan. He is taken aback by her personal revelation but accepts it, leaving Ellen confused about her attraction to him.
Ellen fakes athletic prowess to impress Lisa, her very attractive ""spinning"" instructor, but on a mountain-climbing trip--with Spence in tow--she learns that honesty may have been more effective, and less life threatening.
Ellen's new neighbors offer to introduce her to a friend who is looking for a ""roommate,"" which, according to Audrey and Barrett, is code for ""girlfriend."" Meanwhile, Paige struggles with her mixed emotions about Ellen's lesbianism.
Ellen feels pressured to support gay businesses, but a gay plumber nearly sends her housewarming party down the drain.
Ellen goes on a date with her mortgage broker, but starts to think she's the only one looking for romance.
Ellen accompanies her father to his annual Civil War re-enactment.
Ellen faces her toughest challenge yet in a relationship: winning the approval of her new girlfriend's 12-year-old daughter.
Thanks to Paige, Ellen lands a job as personal assistant to Emma Thompson and discovers that, not only is Thompson gay, but her past contains a truly sordid secret.
Laurie has prepared for a big romantic evening with flowers, fine wine and a homemade dinner, but she still needs Ellen to stick around for it.
Ellen gets a job at a small, all-talk radio station, but when the Sports Chat host leaves in a huff, she's left to fill the void armed with only her personal charm and irrevocable wit.
Ellen and Laurie hit a crossroads on their one-month anniversary after Laurie misinterprets Ellen's offer to move in.
Ellen takes Paige and Audrey to a female only concert in Berkeley to have a good time after her break up with Laurie. Meanwhile, Paige ponders commitment with Spence.
When Laurie's father dies suddenly, Ellen must help her make peace with the family that shut her out when she revealed her lesbianism.
Ellen and Laurie take their first trip together, to San Diego. However, a problem arises when Ellen wants to party and Laurie wants to stick to her plan.
Ellen and Joe join Paige's focus group, so that her new cop show will receive high marks and need minimal changes before air time.
Ellen tries to make friends with her neighbors, but they keep catching her in strange coincidences. After all, why would Ellen and Paige be playing Twister on the roof?
After Spence sniffs a heavy dose of insecticide, he awakens in a world where being gay is normal, Joe is in love with him, and Paige has a buzz cut and tattoos.
Ellen rushes to the hospital after discovering that Laurie was in a car accident. While waiting for news on her condition, Ellen meets a woman in the waiting room, whom she discovers is Laurie's ex-girlfriend and Holly's ""father.""
A parody of the career of Ellen DeGeneres, celebrating her 75 years in show business.
A parody of the career of Ellen DeGeneres, celebrating her 75 years in show business.
Ellen tries to encourage her radio audience to be nicer, but instead they become more hostile.
When Ellen's parents renew their vows, it prompts Ellen to think about taking her relationship with Laurie to the next level: marriage.
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