Series Details
Title: The Mod Squad
Overview: The Mod Squad was the enormously successful groundbreaking "hippie" undercover cop show that ran on ABC from September 24, 1968, until August 23, 1973. It starred Michael Cole as Pete Cochren, Peggy Lipton as Julie Barnes, Clarence Williams III as Linc Hayes, and Tige Andrews as Captain Adam Greer. The executive producers of the series were Aaron Spelling and Danny Thomas. The iconic counter-culture police series earned six Emmy nominations, four Golden Globe nominations plus one win for Peggy Lipton, one Directors Guild of America award, and four Logies. In 1997 the episode "Mother of Sorrow" was ranked #95 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.
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Average Vote: 6.5 (22 votes)
A clairvoyant's prediction about a missing college student leads to an illegal abortion ring.
Thieves send a little boy to do the stealing and reap the rewards. Manolette runs away and the trio help him find a new home.
A narcotics gang kidnaps Greer's girlfriend, widow of an FBI agent. In trade they want squealer Crowley who is testifying against them.
Pete tries to help a young woman and winds up the chief suspect in a murder. The team sets out to clear Pete of an obvious frame-up.
Linc's new love is evasive and secretive about her past which places a strain on their budding relationship.
The squad is unaware that the writer they are assigned to protect, has a split personality.
An illerate small time crook gets caught when he can't read the sign warning of danger. The squad rallies to help him if he cooperates with the law and snitches on his partner, who is responsible for the death of the security guard.
Julie poses as a singer at a Country Western bar to find out the real reason behind Wild Bill Hannachek's death.
Tenants revolt against a racist slum lord and threaten the wrong person. Trio confronts the slum lord to no avail, until interventions from the Rabbi Tannenbaum convince him otherwise.
Con artist Admiral Nathaniel Johnson takes on the trio and teaches them the art of the con. They comply and become enamored of the Admirals ways and realize too late they are being conned themselves.
Pete befriends Joey Kovacs, a youth whose father escaped from a mental institution and has vowed to kill a man who cheated him years before. Kovacs: Nehemiah Persoff. Doris: Marj Dusay. Pete: Michael Cole. Sanders: Ross Elliott. Franklin: Peter Brown. Linc: Clarence Williams III.
Disturbed handyman kidnaps the daughter of his employer, believes that Julie is the daughter. Ends in a showdown.
Secrecy and compassion are called for as the squad ministers to the runaway---and drug-addicted---daughter of the chief. Quinn: Noel Harrison. Elizabeth: Renne Jarrett. Metcalf: Simon Scott. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Pete: Michael Cole. Greer: Tige Andrews.
Julie falls for Ari Nassal, unaware that he's a Middle Eastern prince involved in a fierce power struggle that could take his life. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Hakim: Ben Aliza. Pete: Michael Cole. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Sarif: Lawrence Dane.
Julie enters a convent to protect a young postulant who witnessed a murder. Melissa: Lynn Loring. Laker: Bert Freed. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Capp: Don Dubbins. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Pete: Michael Cole.
Beau Graves is released from prison after the trio put him there two years ago. Pete is trying to decide whether or not to quit the trio and work for his dad. Flashbacks to previous episodes after Linc is shot make it clear to everyone the importance of their ""family"".
Linc battles conflicting emotions as he follows a hunch regarding the integrity of blind Janny Wills' fiancé. Janny: Gloria Foster. Tarver: Ivan Dixon. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Edwards: Karl Swenson. Pete: Michael Cole. Julie: Peggy Lipton.
Pete's concern for a former girlfriend's problems involves him in her family's corporate power struggle---and a reunion with his mother. Claire: Margot Kidder. Doug: Mark Goddard. Pete: Michael Cole. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Greer: Tige Andrews.
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