Series Details
Title: The Mod Squad
Overview: The Mod Squad was the enormously successful groundbreaking "hippie" undercover cop show that ran on ABC from September 24, 1968, until August 23, 1973. It starred Michael Cole as Pete Cochren, Peggy Lipton as Julie Barnes, Clarence Williams III as Linc Hayes, and Tige Andrews as Captain Adam Greer. The executive producers of the series were Aaron Spelling and Danny Thomas. The iconic counter-culture police series earned six Emmy nominations, four Golden Globe nominations plus one win for Peggy Lipton, one Directors Guild of America award, and four Logies. In 1997 the episode "Mother of Sorrow" was ranked #95 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.
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Anjanette Comer plays the romantic interest in a drama that has Pete falling for a suspect. Case: Lou Antonio. Pete: Michael Cole. Linc: Clarence Williams III.
Pete poses as a hoodlum to get close to a teenage girl and her thrill-seeking crowd mixed up with sky diving---and murder. Pete: Michael Cole. Cindy: Lane Bradbury. Greer: Tige Andrews. Joe: Paul Carr.
Sammy Davis Jr. plays brash film star Willie Rush, who's feigning indifference to threats on his life. Pete: Michael Cole. Marci Weaver: Lola Falana. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Cal Rush: Lawrence Cook.
A narcotics-linked murder pits the squad against an ex-cop---the dead man's brother. Tom Blake: Steve Ihnat. Pete: Michael Cole. Vinnie: Michael Baseleon. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Julie: Peggy Lipton.
The squad aids an 8-year-old boy who calls an orphanage home. The reason: his mother won't free him for adoption. Lukie: Brian Dewey. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Velma Patch: Linda Meiklejohn. Pete: Michael Cole. Julie: Peggy Lipton.
A friend of Linc's is reported killed in Vietnam under suspicious circumstances. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Dawson: Mike Margotta. Pete: Michael Cole. Mike Sierra: Tom Nardini. Julie: Peggy Lipton.
Vincent Price as a seafaring stranger who enchants Julie. She's determined to find out his identity; he's just as adamant about keeping it a secret. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Castor: Charles McGraw. Pete: Michael Cole. Haines: Warren Stevens.
Patricide: a strong charge against a 17-year-old boy. Pete learns the slightly mentally disabled boy had good reason to be terrified of his father---enough to kill him. Dana: Barry Brown. Pete: Michael Cole. Dean Marcus: Don Porter. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Linc: Clarence Williams III.
Terrifying journey for Julie: a man who kidnapped his son forces her to drive them to Los Angeles, knowing both he and the child were exposed to a deadly disease. Cliff Hansen: Robert Viharo. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Morrison: Frank Maxwell. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Pete: Michael Cole.
Fernando Lamas as a cop with a reputation for helping the Mexican-American community. Now he's putting his job on the line by aiding a man sought by immigration authorities. Pete: Michael Cole. Paco Montoya: Ricardo Romanos. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Anita: Amparo Pilar.
A campus demonstration may turn into a bloody conflict if a mentally disturbed student has his way. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Walter: Bob Balaban. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Miss Osgood: Josephine Hutchinson.
Jack Cassidy as the mastermind of an unusual business: his clients pay him to harass people and he employs a gang of youths to do the dirty work. Pete: Michael Cole. Mrs. Hamilton: Barbara Rush. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Johnny: Richard Kim Milford. Julie: Peggy Lipton.
Carl Betz plays a disillusioned solid citizen who becomes involved in the death of a hippie girl. He's seeking the girl's killer while his heartsick daughter searches desperately for him. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Lorrie: Annette O'Toole. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Pete: Michael Cole. Johnny: Dan Travanty.
Kaz Garas as a minister playing hippie to find the men who murdered his brother and incriminated him in a theft. Angie: Jenny Sullivan. Pete: Michael Cole. Joe Foster: Sheldon Allman. Julie: Peggy Lipton.
Julie goes under cover to probe the death of a girl trying to unmask a narcotics czar. Julie: Peggy Lipton. Ray Abruzzi: Michael Ansara. Greer: Tige Andrews. J.B.: Ray Walston. Schwartz: Ron Soble.
The squad tangles with a deadly loan shark as they try to find the father of a farm boy. Billy Clark: Billy Bowles. Pete: Michael Cole. Hattie: Virginia Gregg. Linc: Clarence Williams III. Dunn: Edward Faulkner. Julie: Peggy Lipton.
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