Rocket City Rednecks - Season 1
Series Details
Title: Rocket City Rednecks
Overview: Rocket City Rednecks is an American television show that focuses on engineering. The show is set in Huntsville, Alabama, and features Travis Taylor, three of his relatives, and his best friend. All five cast members are highly educated but, when not working on technical matters, play the part of stereotypical "rednecks" and use their advanced knowledge to solve "real world" problems. The show was first broadcast on Wednesday September 28, 2011, with Tim Evans as the supervising producer. It is broadcast on the National Geographic Channel, and will be shown in all regions of the United States.
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The Boys create an armored vehicle out of an old truck, and armor made of beer cans, then try to blow it up to see if they can create a bombproof pickup.
The Rednecks create a new type of rocket fuel with a hillbilly whiskey still; but can it fire off a monster model rocket, fueled only with moonshine?
The Rednecks aim to build a lightweight, bullet-proof suit that can augment human strength and fire weapons.
The guys turn their sights to underwater exploration -- building a homemade submarine out of a 4 x 4 plastic container farmers use to store fertilizer... and beer kegs, of course.
In his day job at the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Travis has explored ways to protect the Earth from collision with an asteroid, but outside the office he'll actually put some of these ideas to the test.
Most scientists think a manned mission to Mars would take at least one and a half years and billions of dollars, but Travis thinks it can be done faster and cheaper.
The Rednecks build a massive radio telescope out of junkyard parts, in an attempt to pick up signals from distant galaxies.
The Rednecks build a massive radio telescope out of junkyard parts, in an attempt to pick up signals from distant galaxies.
The team create a floating "alternate energy power plant" out of old car parts and a waterwheel that creates all the energy required for a "Redneck Rec Room."
The guys build a solar thermal rocket engine out of old satellite dishes to test out a free energy source that could travel between the stars - or power an old fishing boat.
Travis and the guys compete in NASA's Great Moonbuggy Race - an international competition to create a human-powered lunar vehicle designed to fit aboard a space capsule. Engineering teams around the world spend years designing entries but the Rednecks build theirs in one weekend. After all, Daddy did work on the original Apollo space program so they should have a leg up.
With NASAs shuttle program now defunct, the Rednecks decide to build their own big ass rocket. Staying true to their redneck roots, the team uses whatever they can find, including a farmers abandoned water tank and an old safety ladder, to craft a 700-pound rocket. But they have to buy the largest rocket engines you can get without being in the government.
After 170 killer tornados tear through the South in just two days, the Rocket City Rednecks build a "tornado-proof outhouse" that can withstand F5 winds.
The Rednecks put on a Fourth of July fireworks display using their own rocket fuel and a self-engineered computer program to remotely control the fireworks.
Energy prices are so high that the Boys want to find a way to create a home that's totally off-the-grid.
Using Pete and Travis's experience in military armor and Daddy and Michael's weaponry skills, the Rednecks create a fully-armored war-wagon mounted with a flame thrower and a giant potato cannon, suitable for hunting deer or chasing off invaders.
The Rednecks experiment with the physics of slingshots and trebuchets, then rig a "Super-treb" with a pulley system and weather balloo... that looks more like a massive slingshot than a launch vehicle.
Old sci-fi magazines once promised a Jetsons-style Hovercraft for everyone - but a redneck would prefer a "loungechair hovercraft.
The Stealth Helicopter used in the Bin Laden assault gets Michael thinking - can he avoid another speeding ticket with a "stealth vehicle" that should be completely invisible to radar?
Nothing is more redneck-y than a tailgate party, but Travis wants to use rocket science to turn the Ford Superduty into the ultimate in portable entertainment and food production for NASCAR.
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