Iron Chef America - Season 2
Series Details
Title: Iron Chef America
Overview: Iron Chef America: The Series is an American cooking show based on Fuji Television's Iron Chef, and is the second American adaptation of the series, following the failed Iron Chef USA. The show is produced by Food Network, which also carried a dubbed version of the original Iron Chef. Like the original Japanese program, the program is a culinary game show. In each episode, a new challenger chef competes against one of the resident "Iron Chefs" in a one-hour cooking competition based on a secret ingredient or ingredients, and sometimes theme. The show is presented as a successor to the original Iron Chef, as opposed to being a remake. The Chairman is portrayed by actor and martial artist Mark Dacascos, who is introduced as the nephew of the original Japanese chairman Takeshi Kaga. The commentary is provided solely by Alton Brown, & Kevin Brauch is the floor reporter. The music is written by composer Craig Marks, who released the soundtrack titled "Iron Chef America & The Next Iron Chef" by the end of 2010. In addition, regular ICA judge and Chopped host Ted Allen provided additional floor commentary for two special battles: Battle First Thanksgiving and Battle White House Produce.
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IMDB: View on IMDB
TMDB: View on TMDB
Average Vote: 6.5 (16 votes)
Theme :Black bass The ingredient is black bass as Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto takes on challenger Aaron Sanchez.
Theme : Lamb Bobby Flay faces David Burke in the culinary competition.
Theme : Pizza dough A pizza-dough battle pits Iron Chef Mario Batali against chef Todd English.
Theme : Chicken Iron Chef Bobby Flay faces famed barbecue chef Adam Perry Lang.
Theme : Hamburger A hamburger battle pits Iron Chef Cat Cora against challenger Kerry Simon.
Theme : Turkey Bobby Flay competes against Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger.
Theme : Sweet Onions Iron Chef Bobby Flay takes on challenger Michelle Bernstein.
Theme : Asparagus Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto takes on challenger Michael Symon.
Theme : Crawfish Iron Chef Mario Batali faces Seattle chef Tamara Murphy.
Theme : Clams Iron Chef Cat Cora takes on Hawaiian challenger Sam Choy.
Theme : Shrimp Iron Chef Mario Batali takes on challenger Traci Des Jardins.
Theme : Tilapia New York City chef Wylie Dufresne battles Mario Batali.
Theme : Lamb Bobby Flay faces David Burke in the culinary competition.
Theme : Pork Los Angeles Chef Neal Fraser takes on Iron Chef Cat Cora.
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