Almost Live! - Season 10
Series Details
Title: Almost Live!
Overview: Almost Live! was a local sketch comedy television show in Seattle, Washington, USA, produced and broadcast by NBC affiliate KING-TV from 1984 to 1999. A re-packaged version of the show also aired on Comedy Central from 1992 to 1993, and episodes aired on WGRZ-TV in the late 1990s. The show was broadcast on Saturday nights at 11:30, pushing Saturday Night Live back to midnight. The show is now aired in reruns by the Seattle NBC affiliate following Saturday Night Live.
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IMDB: View on IMDB
TMDB: View on TMDB
Average Vote: 8.5 (2 votes)
Let's Scare the Amish; Romantic Progression; Lisa Simmons Bad Date - Lisa Gets a New Job; Good Morning Madonna; STP, Better then Syrup; "Do you think she's a little too thin?" The John Report; Doubles; The Lame List or What's Weak This Week
Sleepless In Seattle; Harvey Kane Crossed Eyed Cop; What Bugs Stan - Lyrics to Bread Songs; Public Access Channel 29 - Emerald City Eligibles; Eternal Questions - Breast Size; The John Report; How Much of a Chance Do You Have of Winning the Washington Lottery?
French for Puppets; Local celebrity movie reviews; Capable Woman; Headbanger Hair; First Date Postgame Show; Chatting about boyfriends; The John Report; Stop Doing That
Mormon Mission Triathlon; Are you fed up with the way things are?; Simple costume ideas; Librarians; Today Tonight - Gilligan Therapy; Debate between Norm Rice and David Stern; The John Report; Dating in your sleep; What people are saying about Initiative 601/602
Housework Training for Men; Northwest college dorm improvements; The Capheads; NAFTA Mania; Coalition of Women for a Gentler America; "Is that your wife?"; The John Report; Modern Encounters;
VCR Summit; Roscoe's Oriental Rug Emporium; Perot-Zac; Conversations with Mom; Live from Protest Central on Capitol Hill; Tom Chase - Urine Drug Test Monitor; The John Report; The Lame List or What's Weak This Week
It's A Fife Xmas; Corporate Volunteerism; DJ/Santa; Internet Computer Systems; Almost Live Gift giving guide; Uncle Fran's Musical Forest; The John Report; The Lame List or What's Weak this Week
Jumping on the Sonics Bandwagon; Auburn Etiquette tips; Talk radio host getting everyone involved; A diamond is expensive...; Bill and Melinda's wedding pt. 1; The Grateful Gourmet; Bill and Melinda's wedding pt.2; Do you think she's pretty?; The John Report; Bill and Melinda's wedding pt.3
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