A Football Life - Season 2
Series Details
Title: A Football Life
Overview: A Football Life is a documentary series developed by NFL Films and aired on NFL Network that documents the lives of select National Football League players, coaches, owners, and teams. Friends, teammates, family members and other players and coaches associated with the subjects are interviewed. The name of the series originated in a quote from Steve Sabol of NFL Films: Originating as an NFL Network special on the career of Bill Parcells in November 2010, it premiered as an episodic series on September 15, 2011, with the first part of Bill Belichick's documentary. The documentary was viewed by about 657,000 viewers, the most-watched documentary in NFL Network's history, and was the second-most watched program in Boston at the time with 151,000 viewers, trailing behind a Boston Red Sox game. Season One was eventually released on DVD. Season Two began on September 12, 2012, with The Faces of Tebow. The series was nominated for an Emmy Award for "Outstanding Edited Sports Series/Anthology" and "Outstanding Promotional Announcement – Episodic" for Belichick's episode in 2012.
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A look at Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis, whose inspiration and leadership not only has a profound effect on his teammates, but also, his coaches.
Profile of Giants Head Coach Tom Coughlin, who has brought two Super Bowl championships to the “Big Apple” in the past five years.
The untold story of Bill Belichick's Cleveland Browns and a talented staff who rose from the ashes of the 1995 season.
The life and times of arguably the greatest defensive line in football history. A Football Life takes an in-depth look at the Fearsome Foursome using unique on and off-the-field sights, sounds and stories.
A Football Life launches its sixth episode of the season, featuring the late, great Steve McNair.
Known to everyone in the 49ers family as “Mr. D.”, the beloved Eddie DeBartolo won the hearts of many in the city of San Francisco during his tenure as team owner. Under DeBartolo, the 49ers became a dynasty that captured 13 division titles and 5 Super Bowl trophies.
The inspiring story of former linebacker Chris Spielman and the strength of his family.
The career of Jimmy Johnson, best known for architecting the Dallas Cowboys’ success in 1992 and 1993.
A look at Hall of Famer John Riggins, whose smash-mouth style of running the football earned him the nickname “The Diesel.
A Football Life series continues as the life and career of one of the best and most elusive runners in history is examined.
A Football Life profiles the career of Marcus Allen, best known for his MVP performance against the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl XVIII. His 74-yard touchdown run solidified a Super Bowl victory for the Los Angeles Raiders in 1984.
In the epic conclusion of this year’s season of “A Football Life,” the most famous play in NFL history gets further investigation 40 years after it occurred.
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