Most Haunted - Season 6
Series Details
Title: Most Haunted
Overview: Most Haunted is a British paranormal mystery documentary reality television series. The series was first shown on 25 May, 2002 and ended on 21 July, 2010. Led by Yvette Fielding, the programme investigated purported paranormal activity in many locations in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and other countries. It was produced by Antix Productions and broadcast on the satellite and cable channels Living TV, Livingit, and Channel One. In the United States it was broadcast on the Travel Channel.
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Average Vote: 5.9 (18 votes)
The ghosts of Bodmin Moor's gaol unleash their anger on an unsuspecting audience.
In this edition, the team travel to Dalston Hall. Although it is now a welcoming modern hotel, the Hall has a history of murderous betrayal and a reputation for poltergeists.
Somerleyton Hall in Suffolk is a busy tourist sight by day, but by night its visitors are of the ghostly kind.
The team visit an ancestral home on the Cornish coastline with a history of murder, suicide and treason.
Scott Mills and his Radio One team are invited along to join the Most Haunted crew to investigate York's most haunted pub - the Golden Fleece.
Yvette Fielding and spirit medium Derek Acorah conduct more chilling paranormal investigations. The team return to Pendle Hill, last year's live Halloween spectacular. No-one could foresee the horrific encounter that was to befall one petrified crew member.
Yvette Fielding and spirit medium Derek Acorah conduct more chilling paranormal investigations. The team revisits Tynedale Farm, a sight which holds some terrifying memories.
The team explore the dark and sinister side of the historic Petty France manor house.
Yvette Fielding and spirit medium Derek Acorah investigate why so much supernatural malevolence is channelled through Appuldurcombe House.
Fyvie Castle in Scotland was an excellant location for the most haunted team to visit with plenty paranormal activity. Just a shame there was still little of Derek Acorah.
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