A Bit of a Do - Season 2
Series Details
Title: A Bit of a Do
Overview: A Bit of a Do is a British comedy drama series based on the books by David Nobbs. The show starred David Jason and was aired on ITV in 1989. It was made for the ITV network by Yorkshire Television. The show was set in a fictional Yorkshire town. Each episode took place at a different social function and followed the changing lives of two families, the working-class Simcocks and the middle-class Rodenhursts, together with their respective friends, Rodney and Betty Sillitoe, and Neville Badger. The series begins with the wedding of Ted and Rita Simcock's son Paul to Laurence and Liz Rodenhurst's daughter Jenny; an event at which Ted and Liz begin an affair. The subsequent fallout from this affair forms the basis for most of the first series.
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Rita is marrying her politician boyfriend Jerry but her son Paul refuses to attend. Ted however does go to the church and cannot hide his amusement when Rita decides to jilt her fiance. He is also captivated by a new woman, Corinna, and Rodney and Betty announce that they will be opening a new health food shop.
Much has changed for the characters as Rita is now a Labour Councillor, Elvis is a journalist and Ted is engaged to Corinna. It is not all happy news though, as Jenny announces that her marriage is over and Elvis rows with Carol.
It is the opening of Rodney and Betty's health food complex and Rita is unpopular due to her council work. She becomes even less popular with Liz when Rita declares that the new man in her life is Liz's brother. Ted meanwhile agrees to move with Corinna to East Africa to start a new life, and Elvis and Jenny become a couple.
It is Ted's farewell do and all of his family and friends attend in fancy dress. But the night is a disaster as Ted learns that Corinna is a con-woman, and news arrives that Paul has been arrested for throwing an egg at the Prime Minister.
Rita must face open hostility due to the unpopular ring road and also has to cope with the knowledge that her son Paul will be sent to prison for six months.
It is the day of Neville's funeral after his death in a car accident and Liz tries to make it a happy occasion as Neville would have wanted. The mood is genuinely lifted for Rita when Geoffrey proposes to her.
Rita is happily marrying Geoffrey and is shocked to find that Ted and Sandra are also getting married at the same registry office. Not everybody is happy however, as Jenny has left Elvis to return to Paul and Elvis's only consolation comes when he is propositioned by Liz.
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