Kingdom - Season 3
Series Details
Title: Kingdom
Overview: Kingdom is a British television series produced by Parallel Film and Television Productions for the ITV network. It was created by Simon Wheeler and stars Stephen Fry as Peter Kingdom, a Norfolk solicitor who is coping with family, colleagues, and the strange locals who come to him for legal assistance. The series also starred Hermione Norris, Celia Imrie, Karl Davies, Phyllida Law and Tony Slattery. The first series of six one-hour episodes was aired in 2007 and averaged six million viewers per week. Despite a mid-series ratings dip, the executive chairman of ITV praised the programme and ordered a second series, which was filmed in 2007 and broadcast in January and February 2008. Filming on the third series ran from July to September 2008 for broadcast from 7 June 2009. Stephen Fry announced on his blog in October 2009 that ITV was cancelling the series, which was later confirmed by the channel, which said that given tighter budgets, more expensive productions were being cut.
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Peter attempts to help an injured Iraq War veteran face his future. Lyle helps an attractive young lady who claims she has been sexually discriminated against by the army. Beatrice has to adjust to being a mother.
The local sci-fi community are intrigued by some crop circles in the area. A local farmer decides to make some money by charging people to see them.
Peter faces a tricky task when he tries to find a middle ground in the minefield of scientific research and animal rights. Nigel and Lyle set out to save an order of nuns from eviction. Beatrice attempts to distract Peter after he questions her about Petra's father.
Peter finds out who the real father of his niece is. Lyle tries to sort out a depute over some land between some golfers and druids. He also tries to take the next step in his relationship with Emily. Peter tries to help somebody who is being blackmailed.
Lyle returns home to Stockport to try and help his mother keep her allotment. When Scott is caught on the school's CCTV playing up he is suspended. Peter attempts to help a local family video their daughter's appearance in a school concert. When Mr Snell gets married everyone is left feeling shocked.
When a duke starts selling his titles on eBay his estranged brother seeks out Peter to ask for his help - thinking the man is doing it to fund a drug habit. Having previously collapsed after feeling unwell, Peter makes a trip to his doctor for test, resulting in the doctor wanting to run more tests. Gloria, meanwhile, frets about how to tell Peter about the birth certificate she discovered up in the attic... Does it have anything to do with his current state of health?
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