Camp Lazlo - Season 1
Series Details
Title: Camp Lazlo
Overview: The series is set in a universe inhabited solely by anthropomorphic animals of many species and focuses on a trio of campers attending a poorly run summer camp known as Camp Kidney. The trio consists of Lazlo, the eccentric, optimistic spider monkey; Raj, the timid Indian elephant; and Clam, the quiet albino pygmy rhinoceros, and their multiple surreal misadventures.
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Lumpus attempts to catch a fish in leaky lake, but soon discovers he needs the help of Jelly Beans to bring him back to land.
The Squirrel scouts discover that the Jelly Beans are from another planet and kidnap them to get more information.
The Jelly Bean cabin befriend a garter snake, which gets loose and goes on a mad rampage.
Camp Kidney competes in a soap box derby, with Slinkman at the wheel of the Jelly Bean's entry into the race.
Scoutmaster Lumpus is in the dark on how to get the Jelly Cabin to turn their darn lights out!
Lazlo dives in to help Raj prepare for the camp swimming test, but there's just one, little problem: Raj is terrified of getting wet!
Lazlo gets a new best friend. No, not another camper, but a parasitic leech that is stuck to his head!
The Bean Scouts and the Squirrel Scouts settle their mud puddle squabble during a friendly picnic.
The campers send the Jelly Beans on a wild goose chase so they wont screw up the camp inspection.
A bunch of mosquito bite form a treasure map on Rajs behind and the Jellies hunt for a secret treasure.
The Jelly Beans try to convince Scoutmaster Lumpus not to chop down a rare tree called the Migrating Mulberry Tree.
Raj's marshmallow addiction has him in a sticky situation.
In an attempt to get Jane Doe's attention, Scoutmaster Lumpus allows Camp Kidney hosts a dance, a Shindig Tootananny Hullabaloo, to which the Squirrel Scouts are invited.
Scoutmaster Lumpus seeks to cash in on Clam's newly-discovered genius.
While Edward forms a campwide anti-Lazlo club, Lazlo makes his own club out of nothing, which ultimately proves more popular than Edward's club.
The Jelly Beans are down in the dumps because they do not have horses at camp. But one spitfire of a llama will soon change that.
Raj panics when he loses his retainer, but Clam and Lazlo try to get his mind off of it.
When Lazlo finds a wig, he turns into Madame Lazlo, who offers the campers predictions.
Slugfest only happens every five years, and Slinkman has tickets! The only problem is that Scoutmaster Lumpus does not want to let Slinkman have a vacation.
Lazlo, Raj and Clam become famous throughout camp for making outstanding hot dogs. But when egos get in the way, the Jelly Beans split up to pursue unsuccessful solo careers.
When the camp's chef falls ill, the entire camp goes to town for a meal, but Lumpus decides to ditch the check.
The entire camp is rolling in stinkweed, much to Samsons dismay. After a visit from the smell fairy, Samson comes to admire the wonderful stench.
Every year on June 9, someone pranks Lumpus. This year, he's determined to find out who it is!
According to the Bean Scout regulations, Edward is too young to watch Mountain Zombies of Scab Lagoon and has to watch Mr. Cotton Goes to Bubbleland instead.
Raj gets an Indian cheese wheel from the Kafizzel River in the mail, which Lumpus tries to steal. Little does Lumpus know, but this particular cheese is poisonous!
Edward goes around pulling down everyone's pants.
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