Camp Lazlo - Season 3
Series Details
Title: Camp Lazlo
Overview: The series is set in a universe inhabited solely by anthropomorphic animals of many species and focuses on a trio of campers attending a poorly run summer camp known as Camp Kidney. The trio consists of Lazlo, the eccentric, optimistic spider monkey; Raj, the timid Indian elephant; and Clam, the quiet albino pygmy rhinoceros, and their multiple surreal misadventures.
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In order to impress Jane Doe, Scoutmaster Lumpus tries to get a main role in a play, directed by Lazlo, which is already in production. The play is about a villager looking for something to eat and leads to the finding of 7 deadly sandwiches.
Lazlo tries to save his favorite bird from Lumpus.
Samson becomes a teen idol to the Squirrel Scouts. He then tries to hide from the girls and chase him around.
After an accident occurs to Slinkman due to the Dung Beetles' stupidity, Slinkman makes a rule in which made Edward take care of the Dung Beetles. Trying to get rid of them after a number of accidents trying to protect them, Edward makes hang in a tree, in which it resulted making the beetles become smart.
When Clam makes a toy airplane, Edward played around with it but it then landed on Ms. Mucus' trailer. As the Jelly Trio to decide to go take it, many feared going, since Ms. Mucus confiscates all the toys! As Clam tries to get his toy back, Lazlo and Raj go and save him. Clam then finds many toys inside of Ms. Mucus' trailer. They get however caught. How would they escape?
Clam is lost in the forest, so Raj tells a story about Clam being invisible.
Lumpus tricks Lazlo and the Bean Scouts into digging an area to find dinosaur bones to make a bowling alley for himself.
Patsy tries to sit with Lazlo on the bus, but ends up causing problems with the other Bean Scouts.
Raj becomes friends with an strangely shaped insect.
Clam accidentally sends Jelly Cabin to outer space and is in Lumpus' home against his will, and was awoke all night except for 17 seconds, and must be speaker for the Legume council or will be embarrassed, but thanks to Lazlo's puppet plan, they succeeded.
Because of Samson's new vacuum, he endangers Chip and Skip's dirty streak and with the other Bean scouts, desperately try to get some mud from the Squirrel Scouts who refused to.
Chip and Skip are Nina's soul mates and she is repulsed, until they build a spaceship.
Again, Edward gets in trouble for his anger, but finds that there is someone worse than him, which is Gretchen.
Lazlo is determined to prepare for the Prickly Pines Parade, but have a rough competition with the Squirrel Scouts.
Samson believes that S.M.I.T.S. (Scoutmaster in the Sky) is angry with him because he was doing tai chi out of order and now S.M.I.T.S. is throwing balls at him. He decides to protect himself with pillows and it works, but he becomes a bully.
When Raj loses his tusk, he wants to see the Tusk Wizard so bad. So Lazlo and Clam try to help Raj the best way they can.
When Ms. Doe and Ms. Mucus leave Acorn Flats for two days, they assign Slinkman to look after the Squirrel Scouts, but the Squirrels are nothing but trouble to him. He keeps going to Scoutmaster Lumpus for help, but doesn't give him any, except advice that Slinkman doesn't think is fair. He ends up taking the advice anyways and becomes mean to the Squirrel Scouts. But in the end, the Squirrels make Slinkman their hero, since he saved them.
Nurse Leslie goes hiking overnight.
Edward makes a sham about a Yeti attack.
Commander Hoo-Ha comes to Camp Kidney to introduce his daughter, which was the mongoose Patsy Smiles. Patsy then gives a Valentine to Lazlo, in which he rejects it because he doesn't want to get in trouble with her father. However, Hoo-Ha finds it and gets angry. Overreacting, he tries to find the campers who wrote it, believing it was for Patsy. He does various tests and harsh deeds to try to get someone to confess. In reality, Patsy knows that she wrote it.
The Dungs must find a way to contribute to Camp Kidney, or they will be thrown out. They try to get jobs with Chef Mcmuesli and with Nurse Leslie. However, since they work was limited, they had to move somewhere outside camp. In the meantime, Lumpus tries to get a camp upgrade for his "work in camp". However, later, Hoo-Ha comes and stays in his and Slinkman's cabin. He then hires the dungs to try to get rid of him and get the camp upgrade he deserves.
Lumpus discovers he and Lazlo are related.
Lazlo hires Samson to protect him from Gretchen.
Lumpus becomes addicted with Camp Kidney's newspaper.
Edward attempts to mail himself out of camp.
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