Camp Lazlo - Season 4
Series Details
Title: Camp Lazlo
Overview: The series is set in a universe inhabited solely by anthropomorphic animals of many species and focuses on a trio of campers attending a poorly run summer camp known as Camp Kidney. The trio consists of Lazlo, the eccentric, optimistic spider monkey; Raj, the timid Indian elephant; and Clam, the quiet albino pygmy rhinoceros, and their multiple surreal misadventures.
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Aliens abduct Samson and want cheese. Finding Samson of no use to them, the aliens release him. Upon his return, he finds three new campers arrive from Canada, and Samson is certain that they are the aliens in disguise, so he sets out to prove it.
With their search failed at Camp Kidney, the aliens hope to get luckier in their search for cheese in Acorn Flats, where the Squirrel Scouts are preparing the annual Cheese-festival.
After winning a lemonade drinking competition with Edward, Lazlo realizes that he has to go to the bathroom, but he can't find a place to go.
Edward puts on the calendar "Edward Day" for the next day (so everyone will worship him), only to find that everyone is acting like Edward, particularly Clam.
Lazlo wins an award, but the other Bean scouts grow jealous. Things go out of hand when Lazlo makes them awards out of toilet paper.
Samson uses a frozen caveman to talk to, but the Jellies find his icy buddy and try to thaw him out, much to Samson's dismay.
Edward is extremely annoyed with campers teasing him with jokes about laying eggs. But when he actually seems to lay one, he grows extremely fond of it.
Due to a mailing error, Slinkman receives the "Squirrel Scout Handbook." The camp turns upside down with all the new rules.
The Jellies realize that Camp Kidney is not on a place mat map at Beef Lumberjacks, thus leading them to do whatever it takes to get them on it.
Harold (The walrus scout) decides that he wants to be with the "cool scouts" (mostly with Raj).
A volcano spirit gets angry at Lumpus when he refuses to sacrifice his chicken pot pie.
Nurse Leslie feels he is not respected in camp; therefore applying for a job at Acorn Flats.
When Slinkman goes on a candy confiscation rampage, Samson uses his chemistry set to make candy, with disastrous results.
Edward and the Jelly Bean trio are in competition to start a tour business.
Lazlo develops a huge crush on the mermaid of Leakey Lake. And when Raj goes in the lake to give the mermaid a piece of his mind, he falls in love with her too.
After some convincing from Lumpus, Lazlo starts to dislike Camp Kidney. Lumpus initially likes 'the new Lazlo', but when Lazlo becomes too much like Lumpus, Lumpus consults with Raj and Clam to return Lazlo to his delightful, optimistic self.
Samson gets tired of being picked on for not having friends, leading him to make a lie about getting letters from a famous magician.
Slinkman and Raj confront a haunted coffee table.
Edward attempts the unthinkable — making a friend.
The gang imagines the perfect place called Camp Dinkey.
Jane Doe is driven to the very brink of insanity when the Bean Scouts bunk with her after seeing the pampering she's given Chip and Skip.
Lumpus decides to make every day Clown Day, despite Lazlo's fear.
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