Roger Ramjet - Season 1
Series Details
Title: Roger Ramjet
Overview: Roger Ramjet is an animated American children's television comedy series that first ran in 1965 and has aired in syndication since. Starring Roger Ramjet and the American Eagle Squadron, the show was known for its crude animation, frenetic pace, and frequent references to popular culture, which allowed the show to entertain various age groups.
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Roger is summoned by General Brassbottom to figure out which No-Good is extinguishing little light bulbs around the country.
Roger Ramjet is asked to guard a rich Sheik on his visit to America.
While on is way to Pennsylvania for a wrestling match, Roger realizes that they took a wrong turn and he is in Transylvania.
Roger creates a rocket that works backwards and burrows a hole through the Earth. The American Eagles decide to put an elevator into the huge shaft.
Roger competes in an Indy car race.
Noodles Romanoff tries to sabotage Roger’s team. Will the Mighty Roger strike out?
Cowboys mistakenly think that Roger Ramjet is an alien.
Noodles kidnaps Dee, and the ransom is the plans to Roger Ramjet's plane.
Doodle is drafted, even though he is too young to serve, and captures both sides in a war game.
Robots from another planet take over the television airwaves to bore the country into submission. Roger and the American Eagles save the day.
Roger dresses as a beauty contestant to find out who has been kidnapping beauty queens.
Red Dog the Pirate is rendering the Navy adrift. When Roger tries to capture him, the parrot ends up taking the proton pill.
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