Saving the world before bedtime. - The Powerpuff Girls - Season 4
Series Details
Title: The Powerpuff Girls
Overview: The Powerpuff Girls is a animated television series about Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers, as well as their "father", the brainy scientist Professor Utonium, who all live in the fictional city of Townsville, USA. The girls are frequently called upon by the town's childlike and naive mayor to help fight nearby criminals using their powers.
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Him has given the girls a set of nine riddles to solve in a time limit. The various tasks test both the girls' physical and mental faculties. However, if they fail to complete them all on time, Him promises them that "the Professor will pay".
A sleazy director comes to Townsville to make a movie about the Powerpuff Girls.
Buttercup smashes Bubbles's chalk when her drawings cover the playground's blacktop. An angry Bubbles is given magic chalk by Him (disguised as a butterfly) and encouraged to express her anger in her drawings.
It's career day at Pokey Oaks and the Professor comes with a time machine and explains how he got into science and created the Powerpuff Girls.
The girls try to join the superhero organization, the Justice Friends, but they must prove themselves to do so by tests of strength, speed, and smarts. But the only flaw about the organization is it doesn't allow "little girls" into the group and it's centered around men. However, when an enemy attacks the organization, the girls must come to their rescue.
Microscopic rain creatures eat away at Townsville.
The girls find an injured squirrel and Bubbles gives it Chemical X. This creates a super powered pet squirrel.
Alien invaders invade Townsville, and the Powerpuff Girls go to Mojo for help.
The Professor's old buddy and roommate from college Dick Hardly comes for a visit. When he sees the Powerpuff Girls he comes up with a scheme to make more of them and sell them as a security system.
A new neighbor named Robin tries to make friends with the Powerpuff Girls, but its hard when they have to save the day all the time. Robin gets sad and makes a new friend: Princess Morebucks.
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