Ben 10 - Season 4
Series Details
Title: Ben 10
Overview: With the fifth offshoot of the "Ben 10" franchise, the animated series returns to its roots and its original name, bringing 10-year-old Benjamin "Ben" Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max back to life on a new summer vacation journey. As in the original, the stories in the remake of the series also spin around an alien wristwatch called "the Omnitrix," with the help of Ben can turn into ten different aliens, which come up with different supernatural powers. He fights enemy aliens and experiences with his grandfather and cousin the most exciting vacation imaginable.
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IMDB: View on IMDB
TMDB: View on TMDB
Average Vote: 5.9 (195 votes)
When the Tennysons visit Chichen Itza, Dr. Amino fuses a chicken and a snake to create a real-life Quetza.
Ben, Gwen and Grandpa Max arrive in Bismarck, North Dakota, for its annual celebration of bee pollination, bringing them face-to-face with Queen Bee and a bold new scheme, forcing Ben to conquer his new fear of bees.
A relaxing day at the beach gets all washed up when Team Tennyson come face-to-face with Hex, and his summer intern, Kevin!
Ben gets a tough lesson on knowing his limits when he competes in a grueling obstacle race, made even worse by the Weatherheads.
After the Rustbucket breaks down, Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max find themselves killing time at the local town library but soon scramble to outmaneuver Hex as he searches for a hidden ancient artifact.
Team Tennyson enjoys the biggest convention in town, but when a gawky costume store employee finds a familiar-looking helmet in the back of the store and tries it on, Ben is faced with the return of an old foe in a new form: Forever Knight.
The Tennyson's come across the "Bottomless Pit", a naturally formed pit with no bottom. Ben fights his better judgment to jump in, until Kevin 11 shows up and starts to goad him into a contest to the bottom.
Team Tennyson trade campfire stories that pit Ben against his archrival, Kevin 11, and teaches the hero the power of imagination.
Reboot of the classic Ben 10 series featuring a reimagined Ben and friends as they travel the country during the summer holidays.
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