Upin & Ipin - Season 12
Series Details
Title: Upin & Ipin
Overview: “Upin & Ipin” is a 3D animated series produced by Les’ Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd. and is currently one of the most popular animated series in Malaysia receiving excellent reviews and steadfastly averaging around 800, 000 viewers per episode. The series is actually a spin-off of the company’s debut feature film “Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula”. The series centres on a pair of 5-year-old twin boys, the titular Upin and Ipin, who tell stories of their everyday lives through fun and amusing actions with their friends while also learning new things during their day to day activities. Like every other children, Upin and Ipin are very mischievous and often find themselves getting into trouble, most of the time with their teenage sister Ros.
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IMDB: View on IMDB
TMDB: View on TMDB
Average Vote: 6.7 (10 votes)
Ehsan wants to be a chef when he grows up and wants to learn how to cook yummy dishes.
Ehsan wants to be a chef when he grows up and wants to learn how to cook yummy dishes.
Ehsan wants to be a chef when he grows up and wants to learn how to cook yummy dishes.
This Ramadhan brings a lot of lessons for Upin, Ipin, and their friends.
This Ramadhan brings a lot of lessons for Upin, Ipin, and their friends.
This Ramadhan brings a lot of lessons for Upin, Ipin, and their friends.
Upin and Ipin are very happy this Eid ul-Fitr with their recent win for their 'nasyid' performance.
Upin and Ipin are very happy this Eid ul-Fitr with their recent win for their 'nasyid' performance.
Upin and Ipin are very happy this Eid ul-Fitr with their recent win for their 'nasyid' performance.
The Twins enter a competition to find out what the Radio announcer looks like in real life.
The Twins enter a competition to find out what the Radio announcer looks like in real life.
The Twins enter a competition to find out what the Radio announcer looks like in real life.
Rembo goes missing yet again, which worries Tok Dalang who has been looking for Rembo all over.
Rembo goes missing yet again, which worries Tok Dalang who has been looking for Rembo all over.
Rembo goes missing yet again, which worries Tok Dalang who has been looking for Rembo all over.
Upin and Ipin have a daily routine where they drink the SGM Eksplor 3 Plus milk twice every day.
Upin and Ipin have a daily routine where they drink the SGM Eksplor 3 Plus milk twice every day.
Upin and Ipin have a daily routine where they drink the SGM Eksplor 3 Plus milk twice every day.
Upin and Ipin are introduced to a new game which they play on Ros' tablet.
Upin and Ipin are introduced to a new game which they play on Ros' tablet.
Upin and Ipin are introduced to a new game which they play on Ros' tablet.
Ros gives Upin and Ipin a couple of small cactus plants to care for. The twins find it difficult to take care of the plants.
Ros gives Upin and Ipin a couple of small cactus plants to care for. The twins find it difficult to take care of the plants.
Ros gives Upin and Ipin a couple of small cactus plants to care for. The twins find it difficult to take care of the plants.
Upin and Ipin find a pencil that seems to have magical powers. When they use the pencil to draw, the drawing comes to life!
Upin and Ipin find a pencil that seems to have magical powers. When they use the pencil to draw, the drawing comes to life!
Upin and Ipin find a pencil that seems to have magical powers. When they use the pencil to draw, the drawing comes to life!
Miss Melati brings Upin, Ipin, and their friends for a trip to the zoo.
Miss Melati brings Upin, Ipin, and their friends for a trip to the zoo.
Miss Melati brings Upin, Ipin, and their friends for a trip to the zoo.
Upin and Ipin help Ros with their spring cleaning and throw out a few boxes of trash, but one of the boxes contain scrap cloths.
Upin and Ipin help Ros with their spring cleaning and throw out a few boxes of trash, but one of the boxes contain scrap cloths.
Upin and Ipin help Ros with their spring cleaning and throw out a few boxes of trash, but one of the boxes contain scrap cloths.
Upin, Ipin, and their friends have new books who have just been sent to their new home, the library where Salleh works.
Upin, Ipin, and their friends have new books who have just been sent to their new home, the library where Salleh works.
Upin, Ipin, and their friends have new books who have just been sent to their new home, the library where Salleh works.
It is an exciting and mysterious day when Upin, Ipin, and friends encounter the UFO in their village, and they wonder if they are aliens coming to Earth.
It is an exciting and mysterious day when Upin, Ipin, and friends encounter the UFO in their village, and they wonder if they are aliens coming to Earth.
It is an exciting and mysterious day when Upin, Ipin, and friends encounter the UFO in their village, and they wonder if they are aliens coming to Earth.
Upin and Ipin are a little jealous that Ros is able to do many things without adult supervision like going hiking or swimming in the river.
Upin and Ipin are a little jealous that Ros is able to do many things without adult supervision like going hiking or swimming in the river.
Upin and Ipin are a little jealous that Ros is able to do many things without adult supervision like going hiking or swimming in the river.
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